Victor Toscano - Less than Less

Less than less
Is what I am becoming for these days
No step to take, no pain to fake
No chance to make mistakes

Less than less
Are all my thoughts, so troubled and confused
No place to stay in, no speech to say
No love to call my own

But I don't know if I can make it
Just be happy for one day
I don't know if I'll be thinking for much longer

Less than time and less than space
Defines my universe
In waiting hope is all there is
And pleasure to be pleased

But I don't know if I can take it
Just be happy for a day
I don't know if I'll be thinking for much time, more time

More time is what I need
More everything the world can give
Not less

Less than less you gave to me
Now I'm crying
Alone, I've been crying
Alone, throughout my life
Alone, that's all the time
We'd have so much to share
Oh baby won't you share?
Just come and be alone with me

But I don't know if I can take it
Just be happy for a sec.
I don't know if I'll be breathing for much time, more time